Virtual Scores for Creative Music
Software tools for musicians who want to use technology to connect.
Imagining collaboration, expression, and exploration across the human-digital divide.

Explore our software:
INDRA for Ensemble Improvisation | VOCI for Real-Time Orchestration
Or scroll down to learn more:
What is a virtual score?
A virtual score is musical notation designed to be presented digitally, rather than on paper. Unlike notation on paper, digital notation can change in real time during a performance.
We build platforms, not compositions.
You can use our software to create, perform, or explore different realizations of many different compositions, including your own.
What is creative music?
Of course all music is creative. Creative music is a term frequently used to describe music that blends improvised and notated elements, and that is collaborative and interactive in unique ways. Our software is designed to facilitate this innovative dimension of creativity.
Creative Interaction is the creation of composer, improviser,
and technologist Drake Andersen.
To learn more about Drake’s work, click here. Or get in touch:
drake [at] creativeinteraction [dot] org